Hi babe,
Thanks for sharing with me today. I had a few thoughts on the way home I thought you should know.
I think your Aunt Tina and your grandma have mistaken my politeness and respect for my elders as a sign of weakness. It is not. I would be more than happy to tell them exactly what I think of them. As far as that goes, no one is going to be good enough in their eyes. Personally I think they should worry about other things, but that’s just my opinion!
I didn’t answer you today when you asked what would happen if you decided that you and I were not want you wanted. The reason I didn’t answer is because I think you already know the answer. I would be devastated, to say the least. Broken hearts are not a lot of fun. I’ve been there, I know. But as I’ve said before, that would not be your problem, would it? You can say it would, but it would not be. I’ve learned(and you need to learn) that going around trying to please other people does nothing but bring pain and grief. The reason people manipulate you is because you let them. Quit doing that. As far as you messing up another life, BULLSHIT!!! I chose this path, and regardless of the consequences, I must see it through. If I had not chosen to tell you I love you, then I would have been kicking myself in the ass for the rest of my life. You may debate this, but you are good for me. You’ve opened my mind to new possibilities that I’ve never even considered before.
Some other thing to consider and that we need to talk about:
1) The things I do for you I do because I want to. Not because you want me to.
2) The rules and reasons for staying in marriage or not are different now than they’ve ever been before. The rules of 10 or 20 years ago do not apply anymore. Maybe they never did.
3)The only reason to bring either Linda or Chad into a discussion about us is as an example. Otherwise they are irrelevant to any discussion about you and I.
4) This is what I want from you right now. I want you to be my friend and confidant. I want you to be a lover and a part-time companion. I do not want anything more from you than what we have right now. Most of all I want you to hold my hand, and walk with me, hold me when I’m lonely. Do things with me when they fit your time schedule, and not mine.
I have to get dressed now, but remember this. I will do almost anything you ask. And contrary to what you think, I DO love you. And I’ll love you tomorrow as well.
…my life for you
P.S. Beth made this for you and I last night when we got home from the fireworks. She wants you to have it.