
well, well

Been a while.

The Bears are 6-0. The Packers STILL suck. My first AND second lives are going well, what more could a midwestern boy want. If you haven't done it yet, I am still STRONGLY uging you to give SL a try. It's a blast and a half. Ciao, kids.


Another week

Another week has come and gone, and I'm starting a new one. There is progress on all fronts, I think. The Bears are 5-0. Does it get any better? My Second Life continues to evolve. Let's just say I have a reputation. Like that's a surprise!!


an update....

Just a little update. I've taken some songs off, and added some some to my playlist. Check them out. Also I'm getting the hang of Second life now, so check it out...might be fun. And last but not least, the Bears are 4-0. Take that all you Packer fans that read this...lol. Later kids.
a - z LYRICS

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