Just some random thoughts floating around. We as parents are hope that our kids can be functioning and independent adults. That they learn to make good decisions, and can be contributing memebers of society. And for the most part, they do just that. What brings these thoughts up is the redhead. I just helped her move into a nice little house, closer to her work. Someone had asked her if the youngest son was going to move in with her. She had said that while he would like to, having lived on his own, he was used to doing things his way, and wouldn't want her telling him that he couldn't bring women home, or something to that effect. Which I think, is his way of saying he valued the independence he'd found.
Last night while I was there, he'd called and said he was coming over later. No biggie. I left a little after 8, before I fell asleep. Anyway, this morning I was talking to her online, and asked how she'd slept. She said not well, because he'd been there playing a game online all night. Now that's none of my business,really. I know this. But it did raise some questions with me. He values his independeance, but has no qualms about using something his mom has and he doesn't, namely an internet connection. Again, none of my business, she'd free to do with that as she wishes. The question it raises with me is: do our children value their independence when it suits them? And then become dependent on us when it suits them as well. Since when do we get to pick and choose? and why should they? You want to be independent , do so. If you can't afford things because your job isn't paying enough? Get a new job. Being on your own involves making choices, sometimes monetary ones. I don't mind helping my kids out, but they are adults. and to the next generation, sometimes the things you think you can make a living with don't pan out, have a back up plan. We can't all be rockstars or sports stars. Be realistic. Or...this could just all be the ranting od a semi old guy that doesn't know squat, hehe.