

A couple things. Ruth was saying that whenever she tried to access this page, her browser would crash. She is using a Macintosh MacOSX operating system and Safari 1.3 as a browser. Not bashing Macs, just a little info. I finally surmised it was crashing because of the MP3 player trying to load. To temporarily aleve this problem, I've turned off the auto-start on the player, and she seems to be able to access the site. I'd rather not make this a permanent solution. Since I have zero experiance dealing with Macs or their OSs or their browsers, if any of you could lend a hand, I, and her, would greatly appreciate it.

My dad had some tests today. They were worried because the bacterial count in his urine was "slightly elevated". As it turns out, he has a kidney stone and has to schedule the procedure where they break up the stone with sound waves. He was relieved, because I think he thought it was something worse.

It's been a gorgeous last few days here. There was not a cloud in the sky, and it was just an awesome blue. Here is a snap I took with my phone. I remember a time when I wouldn't have looked twice at that. It seems the older I get, the more I appreciate those kinds of things.


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