Snooty People
I'm constantly amazed by people. Their stupidity or intelligence astounds me sometimes. Lori and I have had this very conversation. I firmly believe there are truely stupid people. She disagrees, but that's her right. And I'm not dimissing her thought out of hand either. What brings all this up is a person at work. She's so obsessed with what others are doing she doesn't see the things she her self does. It's maddening, but I'm getting better at ignoring her. To top it off she's so snotty and arrogant it's actually humorous. I think she believes she's all that, when if she looked in the mirror, that would be painfully obvious she's not. But like I said, it's getting easier to ignore her. It maybe wrong but if I have the mindset she'd can't help herself, it makes it easier to tolerate. And I think anyone reading this will know EXACTLY what I mean.
Do you mean the one that seems to have misplaced her 'Wide Load' sign? Whose man continues to cuckold her? Poor dear, I don't believe she can help herself either...
I just had this conversation with my oldest grand daughter. Instead of 'snotty', Megan asked why some people are 'mean'...three little boys in her first grade class. I told her it was because they were insecure and scared. Some people ARE just plain stupid but more often they are uneducated or too damned lazy to try to be a better person. Sounds to me like the person at your work is overcompensating her lack of abilities and confidence...or I may be wrong....she could just be plain fuckin goofy!!
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